Sher Poetry

Voicing and Sharing Poems from a Wide Range of Voices.

“flowers” by Lucille Clifton

Afterward for Lucille Clifton’s “flowers” by Sher Schwartz

Click below to read Lucille Clifton’s “flowers”

To learn more about Lucille Clifton and her work click below:

2 responses to ““flowers” by Lucille Clifton”

  1. I deeply enjoyed this poem.
    And I enjoyed your afterward.
    What flower would I identify with in this flourishing field of love? A towering spike of magenta-pink Fireweed? Or a clustered flower of white Milkweed hosting butterflies and bees?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your comments. It’s great to think about the flowers of the field, and for me I see the small yellow blossoms of Oregon Sunshine, which I see across 40 plus acres of our farm’s prairie. Also a small, delicate pink flower that blooms in profusion on airy, tall stems. Lesser and American Goldfinch love this field plant. I think they eat its seeds. Riotous activity in the fields.


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